

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/11/22 13:46:27 Hits:502

Mr.Mingshan,Zhou, general manager of Harbin Institute of Technology Suzhou Alumni-Suzhou Ruibo Machinery and Electronics Co., LTD., was invited to participate in the signing ceremony of the Institute in Wuzhong, Suzhou during 19th,November,2022.

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

In order to sign the successful contract of the Alma mater-Suzhou Research Institute of Harbin, under the positive response of the Soviet alumni and the careful organization of the school leaders and relevant departments of Wuzhong District of Suzhou, we overcame the difficulties such as epidemic and high temperature, and completed the relevant preparations in an efficient and orderly manner. It had been laid a solid foundation for the signing ceremony.

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

During the preparation period,Suzhou Ruibo Machinery and Electronics lCo.,Ltd-General manager,Mingshan,Zhou,an alumnus of Harbin Institute of Technology, actively cooperated with the work assigned by the Alumni Association and completed various tasks steadily, which was highly praised by the leaders of his Alma mater.

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

Harbin Institute of Technology Suzhou Research Institute signed the landing, is Suzhou as one of the industrial city and Harbin industrial university as one of the engineering school appreciate each other, mutual recognition after the collision sparks, is the development strategy of local and Alma mater fit strong hand in hand, is the party's twenty big education power, science and technology power, talent power spirit and the latest.

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

Suzhou Alumni Association actively participated in the signing ceremony of Harbin Institute of Technology in Suzhou Wuzhong

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